12 Best Pullups for Muscle Growth
These are 12 of the best PULL-UP VARIATIONS to PACK MUSCLE ON your upper body. Use different types of pullups to target your lats, rhomboids, traps, biceps, forearms, abs, and entire back. Use this pullup workout to develop a v-shaped back. These exercises will also help you get a wider back.
Pullups highly challenge and develop the muscles in your back. These muscles include the rhomboids, the latissumus dorsi, the trapezius, and even the deeper muscles that run along your spine like the erector spinae... In addition, pullups are also very effective for developing your biceps and building bigger stronger arms. So today I want to give you guys 10 of the best pullup variations that you can incorporate into your routine to get a muscular and attractive V-shaped back.
And first, let's start with a more creative variation that I'm sure many of you have never tried before the trx L - Sit pullup. (3) This is a more advanced way to do pullups that'll help you target your core much more. To begin, you'll grab a trx strap in each hand with a pronated grip, which means that your palms are going to be facing away from you. Then hang down and raise your legs straight up in front of your body. As the name implies you want your body to look like an L from a side point of view. Then while holding your legs in this position pull yourself up by pulling your elbows down and back. After your chin clears the straps lower back down and repeat for reps while keeping your legs on that L sit position the whole time. Keep in mind you can do this exercise on a regular pullup bar but if you want an even greater challenge use trx straps or rings.
Next is my favorite variation the weighted wide grip pullup. Obviously, you can add weight to any pull-up movement, but if you want to get maximum development of your back, lats and biceps, by far one of the best things you can do is progressively up your weight with wide grip weighted pullups. Start by standing under a pullup bar and grab the bar at least about 6 to 8 inches wider than each of your shoulders. Your palms should be facing away from you and you can either strap the weight to a dip belt or you can have your partner place the weight in between your crossed legs. (4) Then you're going to pull your body up until your chin clears the bar. As you're doing this concentrate on pulling your elbows down and back to better target the muscles in your back. You want to do these earlier on in your workout while you're still fresh and can pull the heaviest weight load possible. I recommend selecting a weight that you can do for at least 6 to 8 reps. You can start by just strapping 5lbs and then slowly work up from there overtime and you'll be amazed at how quickly you can get significantly stronger at this exercise
Another variation that's very effective is the hockey grip pullup. With this one you'll stand sideways, so you'll be facing parallel with the pullup bar. Reach up and grab the bar above your head with both hands placing one hand in front of the other like you're holding a baseball bat. Then hang straight down and pull your body up. As you're pulling up you want to tilt your head to one side of the bar and keep pulling until your chin fully clears the bar. Then lower back down and repeat the same thing except with your head tilted towards the otherside now. Repeat that going back and forth for reps.
A very similar alternative to this one is to use a double Dhandle for pullups. You would once again stand facing the same direction And then take your double d handle and place it over the the top of the pullup bar. Grab the double d handle with both hands and pullup in the same way as before, shifting your head to one side, alternating side to side on each rep. This variation may feel a lot more comfortable for your hands bur essentially should hit your back and arms in a very similar way. As a side note you can also do this similar variation with a rope (1)Next is a fun way to perform pullups while also incorporating effective isometric contractions that are called around the world pullups. Start in a pullup position with your hands pronated and about 6 to 8 inches wider than shoulder width apart on each side. Hang straight down and pull yourself up. Except instead of pulling straight up as you would with regular pullups you're going to pull yourself up to one side. Then while holding yourself up you're going to slide your body over to the other side, and then lower yourself down on that side. Then repeat for reps. Also remember to switch the direction that you go in on each alternate set.
Now if you want to use pullups specifically to get bigger arms one of the best variations you can do is the regular chin up. Here you would stand directly under the pullup bar and grab it with your palms facing towards you instead of away from you. You would also place your hands only...
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